Mighty Little Defenders

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Mighty Little Defenders KV2.jpg
Original Name 羊村守护者
Translation Name Mighty Little Defenders
Region China
Directed by Huang Xiaoxue
Written by Liu Feng, Huang Zexuan, Xie Huihao, Liu Zemin, Li Disi, Liu Wei, Chen Xiaodan, Liang Zikai, Luo Wei
Voiced by Zu Qing, Zhang Lin, Liang Ying, Deng Yuting, Liu Hongyun, Gao Quansheng, Zhao Na, Li Tuan, Ze Fei
Licensed by Creative Power Entertaining
State Creative Power Entertaining
Linked works Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

Mighty Little Defenders (Chinese:羊村守护者) is the twenty-ninth season of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf series, and the second season of War of Invention series.


General Wolf uses a magic functional chip to strengthen The Seven Evil Wolves' power to attack the goat village. In order to defend the goat village, the goats try every possible way and acquire a special weapon from a senior goat. Thanks to the special weapon they acquired, the goats fight off the wolves time after time. Wolffy who is touched by the goats' kindness and teanwork spirit decides to help the goats and stop the fight. Will the ultimate peace come this time?


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This article was originally from page Mighty Little Defenders in Pleasant Goat Wiki, and the license might be different from English Moegirlpedia. The contents might differ after being modified by different users on both sides. For more information, see Moegirlpedia:Copyrights.
  • Donghua directed by: Chen Huiyan, Liao Jincong, Pu Zhikang, Liang Jiaqi, Hu Dan, Huang Junming, Zhou Zeju, Quan Chao, He Yingqiang, Cai Yuying
  • Art directed by: Chen Yuanyuan, Xu Zhuojie
  • Art designed by: Ye Zhibin, He Jieyin, Li Shiyu, Hu Jing, Yu Taoye, Lin Minfeng, Wu Yichun, Hong Jiajia, Wu Shuning, Feng Yuqing
  • Donghua designed by: Huang Meiping, Chen Defeng, Luo Wencong, Ma Tingting, Liu Weigui, Gan Jingmin, Nie Haofan, Wen Rujie, Huang Shuhan, Zhang Huiying, Liang Xilun, Xie Yiming, Zhao Jiaxin, Liang Songxian, Huang Kaixuan, Wu Qiaoling, Li Xin, Liu Siting, Luo Wencheng, Xian Weijun, Huang Jiecai, Tian Shudian, Huang Miaoming, Fang Peiwei, Cai Muyan, Zhang Caihui, Chen Xiongbin, Sun Hai, Xiang Jiajun, Chen Dong, Zheng Manying, He Zihua, Chen Guixiong, Chen Lijin, Lin Jiashu, Qin Xiaofeng, Yang Yi, Huang Weijia, Zhang Hanwen, Xu Penglin, Shen Yanling, Zhang Yanxiu, Chen Yucai, Wu Shiqing, Lin Kunxiang, Wu Zimai, Lin Jianfeng, Liu Yonghong, Yang Xiaolin, Yang Runjia, Yao Liyan, Zhuang Shaoqin, Zhong Jiena, Chen Yuzhen, Zheng Huachan, Wan Huiqian, Guo Changzhi, Zheng Sheng
  • 3D made by: Zhang Cheng, Yin Runzhong, Lao Yunyu, Lan Qichao
  • Edited by: Huang Shihong, Sun Caixia, Wan Zhaolong, Xian Jingwen, Feng Lan, He Yuqing, He Jingjing
  • Produced by: Cai Ruiqiong, Tan Fei, Yan Liting, Chen Kaixia
  • Traffic coordinated by: Guo Si'en
  • Issued by: Qiu Haiyan, Ding Dan
  • Recorded by: Liu Jialing
  • Audio made by: Li yan, Xie Yutian, Yu Miao, Che Xin, Cai Haoyang, Li Menghan, Liu Yang, Zhang Ziqiang, Gao Lilan, Zhou Zihao, Qu Boming
  • Dynamic effect and mixed by: Fanchu Advertising Co., Ltd
  • Copy-edited by: Wu Chaowei, Guo Minqi, Guo Peng, Shi Jianna
  • Scripted by: Liu Feng, Huang Zexuan, Xie Huihao, Liu Zemin, Li Disi, Liu Wei, Chen Xiaodan, Liang Zikai, Luo Wei
  • Making supervised by: Huang Xiaoxue.
  • Directed by: Huang Xiaoxue
  • Supervised by: Huang Weiming
  • Made by: Creative Power Entertaining Co., Ltd
  • Producer: Creative Power Entertaining Co., Ltd





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This article was originally from page List_of_Pleasant_Goat_and_Big_Big_Wolf_episodes in Wikipedia, and the license might be different from English Moegirlpedia. The contents might differ after being modified by different users on both sides. For more information, see Moegirlpedia:Copyrights.
No. Chinese Title English Title Script Director Original air date
1 羊村陷落 The Fall of Goats' Village Liang Zikai Cai Yuying January 18, 2019
2 月圆之夜 Night of the Full Moon Liu Wei(刘维) Huang Junming
3 狗狗好伙伴 Doggy, a Good Friend Li Disi Pu Zhikang
4 灰太狼的诡计 Wolffy's Scheme Luo Wei(罗玮) Rong Yuqing
5 身份危机 Identity Crisis Liu Feng Xu Chang January 19, 2019
6 强者之力 Power of the Mighty Chen Xiaodan Zhou Zeju
7 坚毅之弓 The Bow of Perseverance Xie Huihao He Yingqiang
8 大师兄羊果果 Uncle Gogoa Huang Zexuan Chen Huiyan
9 制胜关键 The Key to Victory Liang Zikai Quan Chao
10 失而复得 Regain the Lost Liu Wei(刘维) Hu Dan
11 大师兄的理念 Gogoa's Belief Li Disi Cai Muyan
12 石中之铲 The Spatula in the Rock Huang Zexuan Lin Jiashu January 20, 2019
13 追忆当年 Reminiscing Luo Wei(罗玮) Chen Lijin
14 医者仁心 A Doctor's Compassion Liu Feng Liao Jincong
15 自投罗网 Walking Into a Trap Xie Huihao Liang Jiaqi
16 绝处逢生 Back from the Brink Chen Xiaodan Chen Guixiong
17 希望之光 The Light of Hope Liang Zikai Qin Xiaofeng
18 狗狗不是灰太狼 Doggy Isn't Wolffy Liu Wei(刘维) Rong Yuqing
19 奇幻森林 The Fantasy Forest Liu Feng Quan Chao January 21, 2019
20 风的声音 The Sound of Wind Huang Zexuan Hu Dan
21 花匠精神 The Spirit of the Gardener Xie Huihao Chen Huiyan
22 爱心防护 Love Protection Li Disi Qin Xiaofeng
23 美味的秘诀 The Secret to Deliciousness Liang Zikai Chen Guixiong
24 父子相认 The Reunion of Father and Son Chen Xiaodan Liao Jincong
25 背信弃义 Betrayal and Disloyalty Liu Feng Lin Jiashu
26 重新振作 Back to the Game Luo Wei(罗玮) Chen Lijin
27 真正的伙伴 Real Friends Liu Wei He Yingqiang
28 打败白眼狼 Defeat Wolfram Huang Zexuan Pu Zhikang January 22, 2019
29 林中误会 Misunderstanding in the Woods Luo Wei (罗玮) Xu Chang
30 冠军情缘 Championship Bond Chen Xiaodan Huang Junming
31 再见挚友 Reunion of Best Friends Li Disi Zhou Zeju
32 狼将军的阴谋 General Wolf's Conspiracy Xie Huihao Liang Jiaqi
33 狼将军的真面目 General Wolf's True Colors Liang Zikai Cai Yuying
34 狼将军的追击 General Wolf's Chase Liu Zemin Cai Muyan
35 灰太狼出走 Wolffy's Adventure Luo Wei (罗玮) Qin Xiaofeng
36 一家团聚 The Reunion Xie Huihao Chen Huiyan
37 万能漆不见了 The Missing All-Purpose Paint Liu Wei (刘维) Lin Jiashu January 23, 2019
38 狼族训练营 Wolf Camp Huang Zexuan Pu Zhikang
39 迷离奇阵 Inside The Maze Liang Zikai Liao Jincong
40 重修旧好 Reconciliation Liu Feng Liang Jiaqi
41 曾经的狼将军 Chapper's Past Li Disi Xu Chang
42 狼性草 The Wolf Herb Chen Xiaodan Cai Yuying
43 储藏室之战 The Battle in the Storeage Room Liu Zemin Liang Jiaqi
44 团结的力量 Team Power Chen Xiaodan Rong Yuqing
45 提取狼性草 Extracting the Wolf Herb Liu Wei (刘维) Cai Muyan
46 捕狼高手 Wolf Hunter Xie Huihao Huang Junming January 24, 2019
47 沸羊羊的觉醒 Sparky Wakes Up Luo Wei (罗玮) Zhou Zeju
48 伐木工美羊羊 Tibbie the Woodcutter Huang Zexuan Quan Chao
49 懒羊羊的厨师梦 Paddi's Dream to Be a Chef Li Disi Hu Dan
50 良医归来 The Doctor Returns Liu Feng He Yingqiang
51 梦幻奇境 Fantasyland Liang Zikai Xu Chang
52 患难与共 Through Thick and Thin Xu Simin Liao Jincong
53 前辈变狼怎么办 What to Do If the Seniors Become Wolves Liu Feng Hu Dan
54 羊村异变 The Abnormal Change in Goats' Village Li Disi Quan Chao
55 各执一词 Each Sticks to His Own Version Luo Wei (罗玮) Liang Jiaqi January 25, 2019
56 逃离狼堡 Escaping from Wolf Fortress Chen Xiaodan Zhou Zeju
57 重燃希望 Rekindling Hope Huang Zexuan He Yingqiang
58 狼嚎的含义 The Meaning of Howling Xie Huihao Rong Yuqing
59 枪中世界 The World Inside the Pistol Liu Wei (刘维) Huang Junming January 26, 2019
60 狼羊新未来 The New Future of Wolves and Goats Liang Zikai Pu Zhikang

Related Songs

Opening Theme (OP)

Lyrics and composed by:Pan Xiaocong, Sung by:Xie Lin

Ending Theme (ED)

Lyrics by, Composed by, Sung by:Ivy Koo


  • It has been delayed for six months since it was unapproved and needed to make changes the fight scenes to make them less violent.
  • It is a direct sequel to War of Invention but does not use its unique art style due to it not being well-received by fans