Template:Reply to/doc

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This template utilizes Mediawiki's User Notification function to "@" a user you wish to reply to, or notify that user to join the discussion.

Please be advised that this template only works if it is submitted in the same edit version as your signature(~~~~).

This template work by the principle of linking the user's User Page. If you already linked the target user's User Page in your comment, you do not have to use this template.

Do not abuse this template as to prevent harassment of other users, whether unintentional or intentional. Abuse of this template can result in a ban

Common Discussion Templates

Almost all discussion templates allows you to change or omit the succeeding phrase. Use, for example, {{agree|Yes}} and {{disagree|1=Objection}} to obtain (+)Yes and (-)Objection.

Discussion templates do not have trailing spaces.

1=? Template Wiki Text Comment
Yes (+)Agree {{agree}}
Yes (-)Disagree {{disagree}}
Yes (?)Question {{question}}
Yes (:)Reply {{reply}}
Yes (▲)Ditto {{ditto}} Providing a ditto-count like {{ditto|c=3}}
yields (▲)(▲)(▲)Di-Di-Ditto and overrides 1=.
Yes (〇)Keep {{keep}}
Yes (→)Move {{move}} You may use {{move|to=Userpage}}
which yields (→)Move to Userpage.
Yes (✕)Delete {{delete}}
Yes Done {{done}} If the succeeding phrase is not changed,
you may also use {{done|by=Example User}}
which yields Done by Example User.
Yes Rejected {{X|Rejected}}
Yes (+)AYE {{aye}} Used and only used for voting; do not use {{agree}} for voting.
Yes (-)NAY {{nay}} Used and only used for voting; do not use {{disagree}} for voting.
Yes (=)Neutral {{neutral}}
Yes (∅)Abstain {{abstain}}