User:Tibbie2017tibbie2018/New Bangumi Topic/Friday
勘違い?The weekend is approaching! Although it is Friday, there is no day off in the other world. The quest for what is justice, continue the effort to break flags and a bitter trip to work illegally are still going on. There is a respite from crossing over to the other world, the beautiful life of having more than one romantic relationship at a time (?) and curse and salvation around The Book of Vanitas are waiting for us~!
In addition to beaches, watermelons, fireworks and summer festivals, there are new summer shows waiting for you to watch in the summer heat! The number of Japanese anime broadcast in the summer of 2021 reached 43, there are also 7 new releases on Friday, the number is reduced compared to the previous season, but there are still many good works to look forward to. Can't decide which new bangumi to watch? Please read 日本2021年夏季动画 (Chinese)~! You can also help to translate it into English!
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