User:Honoka55/New Bangumi Topic/Monday
参上だってばさ! It's Monday today, and 7 new bangumis will be boardcasted in all! The new anime of the classic work by 藤子不二雄Ⓐ — 笑面推销员, the adventures of the witch and her mercenary — Grimoire of Zero, the anime about mechanical garage kits by Kotobukiya — FRAME ARMS GIRL, the second season of the musical drama about achieving dreams — 高校星歌剧. These animes are all boardcasted today!
The number of the animes that premiered in April 2017 is 65, and the number of the animes that adapted from light novels achieve 8, which increases suddenly after several seasons. Can't decide which new bangumi to watch? Please read 日本2017年春季动画专题 (Chinese)~! You can also help to translate it into English!
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