Template:External image/doc
This template is used for linking external pictures while adding captions and adjusting formats
{{Outer image|add=|title=|cap=|align=|w=px|h=px}} {{Outer image|add=|cap=|align=|w=px}} {{Outer image |add= |title= |cap= |align= |w=px |h=px }}
This template contains 5 parameters:
- add The address of the picture, replaced by text if it isn't available. The text defaults to An editor forgot to add the address here. Let's hit him. Mandatory.
- title The infobox that appears when the mouse hovers over the picture. "<" is prohibited. Optional.
- cap Caption below the picture. Defaults to No captions.Optional.
- align How the picture aligns in the page. Either left or right. Defaults to right.
- w Width of the image. Uses the original width if left blank. If not accompanying h then the image is scaled accordingly.
- h Height of the image. Uses the original height if left blank. If not accompanying w then the image is scaled accordingly.
If parameter w of the image is specified, the template will be limited to the width of the image, causing excess text to automatically start in a new line.Refer to Example 3 below. But using long lines of consecutive Latin characters will render the limit invalid, such as when using a long weblink.
If it is not wished to have the text automatically start in a new line, please scale the picture with the h parameter.
- 1 Basic usage本例子用來說明基礎用法
- {{Outer image|add=https://i.imgur.com/BrLU94q.png}}
- 2 本例子用來說明拉伸
- {{Outer image|地址=https://i.imgur.com/BrLU94q.png|注释=喵喵喵喵|宽度=30px|高度=150px}}
- 例3{{Outer image|地址=https://i.imgur.com/BrLU94q.png|注释=喵喵喵喵|对齐=left|宽度=30px}}
- 例4{{Outer image|地址=https://i.imgur.com/BrLU94q.png|注释=喵喵喵喵|对齐=left|高度=33px}}
- 本模板中引入的图片不独占行,更适合用于条目中插图。
- 本模板采用命名参数方式,能避免带有某些特殊符号的图片地址或图片注释调用出错。
- 本模板可以对图片进行拉伸变形。