User:Honoka55/New Bangumi Topic/Monday
参上だってばさ! It's Monday today, and 7 new bangumis will be boardcasted in all! The new anime of the classic work by 藤子不二雄Ⓐ — 笑面推销员, the adventures of the witch and her mercenary — Grimoire of Zero, 寿屋的机娘手办系列FRAME ARMS GIRL的动画版, 追逐梦想的音乐剧物语高校星歌剧的第2期动画 — these animes are all boardcasted today!
The number of the animes that premiered in April 2017 is 65, 其中轻小说改编动画的数量达到8部,在沉寂数个季度后再次爆发。不知道追哪个新番好?需要动画推荐的话,来看看日本2017年春季动画专题吧~!