Template:User Infobox

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Revision as of 11:05, 15 February 2021 by DGCK81LNN (talk | contribs) (fixes)
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Template-info.svg Template Documentation  [Edit]

See also: Template:User Info

<templatedata> { "params": { "image": { "description": "URL of image. Has higher priority than \"img\".", "type": "url" }, "img": { "description": "Filename of image (without the \"Image:\" prefix). User avatar will be shown if both \"image\" and this are unspecified.", "type": "string" }, "width": {

                       "description": "CSS width of info box.",

"type": "string", "autovalue": "250px" }, "user": { "description": "User name. Defaults to User Infobox.", "type": "string" }, "ribbon-fc": { "description": "Title color.", "type": "string", "autovalue": "#000" }, "ribbon-c": { "example": "Title bar fill color.", "autovalue": "#66CCFF" }, "lwidth": { "description": "CSS width of left column.", "type": "string", "autovalue": "80px" }, "Name": { "description": "Defaults to the value of \"user\".", "type": "content" }, "Aliases": { "type": "content" }, "Sex": { "type": "content" }, "Gender": { "type": "content" }, "hide": { "description": "If not empty, statistics will be hidden.", "type": "boolean" }, "Bio": { "type": "content" }, "Status": { "type": "content" }, "title": { "description": "Infobox title.", "autovalue": "About Me" } }, "paramOrder": [ "image", "img", "width", "user", "ribbon-fc", "ribbon-c", "title", "lwidth", "Name", "Aliases", "Sex", "Gender", "hide", "Bio", "Status" ] } </templatedata>