Intel Girl

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Name Intel Corporation
Birthday July 18
Horoscope ♋Cancer
Moe Points
From United States of America
Active in Earth

Intel is the world's largest processor company, and the first company to introduce an x86 architecture processor, founded in 1968.

The name "Intel" is short for "Integrated Electronics".


In 1955, William Shockley left Bell Labs to found Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, and attracted many talented young scientists. But soon, Shockley's management methods and bizarre behavior caused employee dissatisfaction. Among them, the ones who Shockley called the "traitorous eight": Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Julius Blank, Eugene Kleiner, Jean Hoerni, Jay Last, Sheldon Roberts and Victor Grinich jointly resigned. In October 1957, they co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor. Andrew Grove joined Fairchild in 1963 at the invitation of Gordon Moore.

Due to Fairchild's rapid development, internal organizational management and product issues had become increasingly imbalanced. In July 1968, two of the founders of Fairchild, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, resigned and co-founded "Integrated Electronics", the company that would later become Intel, on July 16 of the same year.

At the beginning, Intel was famous for its semiconductors, so it was able to produce SRAM, DRAM and ROM at the same time. It also quickly invented the first microprocessor: Intel 4004. Later, under the pressure of other manufacturers, Intel began to focus on producing CPUs, Since then, it has embarked on a road to dominating the CPU world.


  • CPU Girl
    • Early products: 4004, 8008, 8080, 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486
    • Processors: Pentium, Pentium OverDrive, Pentium MMX, Pentium OverDrive MMX, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium II OverDrive, Mobile Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium III Xeon, Mobile Pentium III, Pentium III M, Pentium 4, Pentium 4 Extreme Edition, Pentium D, Pentium Extreme Edition, Pentium M, Pentium Dual-Core
  • GPU
    • Early products: Extreme Graphics, Intel740