
From Moegirlpedia
< Template:CACL
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"CACL" means "Commons Artist Category Link".

This template can be used in articles about artists to generate a link to the category of the artist's work in Moegirl Commons.


This template includes a total of two untitled parameters:

  • Untitled parameter 1: The Author category to which the artist's article corresponds, the default value is the page name. If the article name does not match the category name, fill it in manually to specify the category.
  • Untitled parameter 2: The content displayed by the link to the Author category, the default value is the page name. If only parameter 1 is filled in, the value is the content of parameter 1. If the category name does not match the displayed text, you can manually fill in the text you want to display.


{{CACL|category name|text to be displayed}}




For more works by this author, please click the link:CHuN