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DON'T MODIFY THIS PAGE MANUALLY, YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN !!! * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var _addText = '{{GHIACode|page=GHIA:MoegirlPediaInterfaceCodes/blob/master/src/gadgets/patrolCount/MediaWiki:Gadget-patrolCount.js|user=[[U:AnnAngela]]|longId=ce13c202dcc17282c237f263ba777e2112fdbcb5|shortId=ce13c20|message=refactor(patrolCount): stop using deprecated `rctoken`}}'; "use strict"; $(function () { if (mw.config.get("wgAction") !== "view") { return; } var namespaceWatched = [ "(main)", "template", ]; var apiPrefix = "".concat(mw.config.get("wgServer")).concat(mw.config.get("wgScriptPath"), "/api.php"); var newPageMax = 50; var writeCountNum = function (pages, plus) { var strCount = ""; var page; if (pages.length !== 0) { var vNum = Math.round(Math.random() * (pages.length - 1)); page = pages[vNum]; var link = "".concat(encodeURIComponent(page.title), "&redirect=no&rcid=").concat(page.rcid); strCount = pages.length.toString(); 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