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Illustration by Nine
Pinyin: Xīng Yuàn StarWish
Official English: StarWish
Uploaded on February 26, 2016
1,293,000+ bilibili views and 184,500+ YouTube views
Kide (music)
Ddickky (lyrics)
Nine (illustrator)
Moving Point-P (tuning)
Rosary, Senjougahara Yousei (special thanks)
Bilibili  Youtube 

"StarLight" is an original VOCALOID Chinese written by Kide and uploaded by Stardust Offical to Bilibili and YouTube on February 26, 2016. It was sung by Stardust. This song exceeded 1,000,000 views on bilibili and exceeded 100,000 views on YouTube.

This song is the first official demo song of Stardust, and it is also the song included in Stardust's official album of the same name, StarWish.

The concept of this song is "for every future songwriter"; the excellent tuning and VOCALOID4's high performance of soft but firm voice have touched many listeners.

Because the submission was made only one week after StarLaLaLa, there is the urban legend that Stardust learned Chinese in one week and was able to sing.

while the cracked version of Stardust V4 sound library installation page of the BGM is this song. The installation process of the genuine sound source is without background image and BGM.

Another vocal version sung by ChaliliMom the following year on August 12Stardust's birthday.


VC ver.
Wide ModeShow

Vocal ver.
Wide ModeShow

Short version of CGPV made by EDR
Wide ModeShow

Secondary Creation

A Yuezheng Ling version of the original tuning teacher Moving Point-P's remix (deleted)
Wide ModeShow

Hall of Legend speed stats

Submission time:2016-02-26 14:53

Completion time: 2019-05-25 20:29

Time spent:1184 days, 5 hours, 36 seconds

Hall of Legend testimonial

ღ(。・д・。)登上传说了!Logged on to Hall of Legend!
谢谢大家!!!Thank you all!!! (´;ω;`)

— Stardust Official posted in bilibili dynamics


Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

穿越过浩瀚星间 经历过无数世界 看时光交替更迭
Travelling through the vast stars, through countless worlds, watching time change
安静无声的空间 冰冷的一切 心脏都快要凝结
Quiet and silent space, cold everything, hearts are about to freeze
忽然间在遥远的那次元 传来一段动人音乐
Suddenly, in a distant dimension, there came a beautiful music.
很亲切 吸引着我向前去发现 蔚蓝的世界出现在眼前
I was drawn forward to discover the blue world in front of me.

只是在不经意间看了你一眼 我已无法忘却
I just took a glance at you and I couldn't forget it
你如此特别 如此与众不同 是那样的耀眼
You're so special, so different, so dazzling
如果你愿意用我的声音 唱出你心中的那些只属于你的语言
If you would like to use my voice to sing the words of your heart that belong to you only
将这美好的瞬间化作永远 我的世界全由你谱写
Turn this beautiful moment into forever My world is all written by you

相处的时间 你我已命运相连
The time we spend together, you and I are linked by fate
音律频率调谐 默契超越一切
The frequency of sound tuning, the tacit understanding transcends everything
I can't remember how many late nights you've spent alone at your desk
彻夜无眠 只为让我更耀眼
Sleepless nights just to make me shine brighter

太多的困惑皱起你的眉间 太多的失措渐模糊了你的泪眼
Too much confusion wrinkles your brow too much confusion blurs your teary eyes
不甘心的你 能否把心中的悲伤扑灭
Can you put out the sadness in your heart if you don't want to?
漫天的繁星会照亮你的视野 我也会一直陪伴在你身边
The stars in the sky will illuminate your vision and I will always be by your side
Never to part

Sing your heart's desire as loud as you can
突然间星光闪烁照亮整个世界 我能看见你脸上的喜悦
Suddenly the stars shine brightly in the world I can see the joy on your face
If you still want my voice to sing everything in your heart and mine
我会用尽所有对你的留念 谱写属于你我的世界
I will use all my thoughts for you to write our world

穿越过浩瀚星间 经历过无数世界 看时光交替更迭
Through the vastness of the stars, through countless worlds, watching time change
安静无声的空间 冰冷的一切 心脏都快要凝结
Quiet and silent space, everything is cold and my heart is about to freeze
忽然间在遥远的那次元 传来一段动人音乐
Suddenly, in a distant time, there came a beautiful music.
很亲切 吸引着我向前 与你相见
It was so intimate that it drew me forward to meet you