User talk:Solidgreen02
Hello and welcome!
Hi, Solidgreen! This is One-Six, another editor of both Chinese and English Moegirlpedia. We are so happy to see more editors here on EnMGP, especially those that speaks English as their native language. I saw your difficulty with getting a QQ account from public talks on Chinese Moegirlpedia; do you still use Discord? we can probably figure out a way to make it work.
We now have a English Moegirlpedia edit/translation group on QQ. In there, both me and @Momo bly dblk speak English fluently, and there are other English learners too (I'd say they are pretty good, too). The only Admin overseeing the operation here, User:金萌桥姬 ("Bridgegirl"), don't really speak English, though. We are trying to see if we can run a bot that automatically sends QQ messages to discord and vice versa; that will solve our issue (that Mainland Chinese users can't use Discord and you can't use QQ).
So again, I figure it would be nice for us to keep in touch... but if you prefer to keep using MGP talk pages, that's alright too.
Oh, also: the Moegirlpedia convention is to finish a discussion at where it started; no need to visit my talk page, you can just reply right here if you like.
Let this be my personal welcome message. Hope you continue to have a good time editing!
—COVID be gone! One-six is technically "公的驱逐舰"... Talk·Recent Edits 01:08, 4 March 2020 (CST)