clockwork planet

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clockwork planet
Sung by fripSide
Lyrics by Satoshi Yaginuma
Composed by Satoshi Yaginuma
Arranged by Satoshi Yaginuma

clockwork planet

clockwork planet the opening theme of the anime Clockwork Planet, it is sung by fripSide.


Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

この惑星ほし鼓動こどうが せつなくひびいてる
The heartbeat of this planet is resounding miserably.[1]
かすかにとどく そのこえは ぼくらを明日あしたみちび
A voice that can barely reach us leads us to tomorrow.
こころまわす きみとのclockwork planet's days
My heart begins to turn: sharing these clockwork planet's days with you.

いくつもよるえ めぐ時間とききざんでた
Surviving many a night, I realized time had been revolving.
世界せかいはやがていつか こわれてしまうがした
I started to feel like the world might eventually break.
ひとつのおもいだけが ぼくうごかしていた
But a single feeling pushed me onward...
そしてきみと つながりあう 大切たいせつさをった
That's when I learned the importance of my connection with you.

めないゆめいだいて あるいてる僕達ぼくたち
Clinging to a dream from which we can never awaken, we walk on.
Reality has been forced upon us,
みみませばこえる やみひそむ かなしみとうそ
And if we listen closely, we can hear sadness and lies lurking in the darkness.

You rock my heart その瞬間しゅんかん この惑星ほしかがや
You rock my heart, and in that moment, this planet shines brightly.
いまもきみうごかす こころかくしたそのねがいが
The wish that's hidden in your heart drives you onward even now.
この惑星ほしまれた ぼくらをっている
It awaits the two of us, born upon this planet.
めぐりゆく運命うんめい歯車ギアを 2人ふたりきずならした
The bonds we share illuminated the gears of this revolving fate.
ここからはじまるよ きみとのclockwork planet's way
This is where it all begins: following this clockwork planet's way with you.

Looking up to the sky, I remembered that time long ago.
見上みあげたこのそらに あのときおも
I felt coincidence and inevitability were really one in the same.
偶然ぐうぜん必然ひつぜん おなことだとかんじた
For some reason, I felt a strong desire to protect
このうつ景色けしき 何気なにげないそのいろ
The unassuming color of the scenery reflected in my eyes.
ずっとずっと まもりたいと 何故なぜつよおもった

That memory revives within a corner of my heart
こころ片隅かたすみに よみがえるあの記憶きおく
So that in this constructed world
I can someday grasp nothing but truth with these two hands.
いつのか この両手りょうて真実しんじつだけ つかるため

The clockwork planet breaks into a run with unending determination;
clockwork planet はしす まらない覚悟かくご
It made a promise to follow each feeling through to the end.
かんじるままの衝動しょうどうを つらぬくこと 約束やくそくしたから
So accept the love you felt upon this planet.
この惑星ほしかんじた そのあい めて
That voice that can barely reach us will connect hope with the future.
かすかにとどく そのこえは 未来あした希望きぼうつなげる
Our feelings form a chain reaction as my heart connects with yours.
おもいが連鎖れんさする きみこころつないで

The heartbeat of this planet is resounding miserably.

That voice that can barely reach us leads us to tomorrow.
この惑星ほし鼓動こどうが せつなくひびいてる
You rock my heart, and in that moment, this planet shines brightly.
かすかにとどく そのこえは ぼくらを明日あしたみちびくから
The wish that's hidden in your heart drives you onward even now.
You rock my heart その瞬間しゅんかん この惑星ほしかがや
The clockwork planet breaks into a run with unending determination;
いまもきみうごかす こころかくしたねがいが
It made a promise to follow each feeling through to the end.
clockwork planet はしす まらない覚悟かくご
It awaits the two of us, born upon this planet.
かんじるままの衝動しょうどうを つらぬくこと 約束やくそくしたから
The bonds we share illuminated the gears of this revolving fate.
この惑星ほしまれた ぼくらをっている
Our feelings form a chain reaction... This is where it all begins...
めぐりゆく運命うんめい歯車ギアを 2人ふたりきずならした
My heart begins to turn: sharing these clockwork planet's days with you.
おもいが連鎖れんさする ここからはじまる

こころまわす きみとのclockwork planet's days