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Base Info
Moe Point Nopon
Type Species
Symbolic Characters Tora

The Nopon are creatures that appear in the Xenoblade Chronicles series.


Nopon have appeared on all installments of the series, they sometimes become characters that the player can control.

A Nopon's body is shaped like a round ball, their stature is short, usually less than a meter. And so, their homes are small, usually the size of a doghouse. Since Nopon can fly, in some cases, their homes are built as high up as bird's nests.

They have three pairs of limbs (hands), from top to bottom, they're "ears" that look like wings, short, thin hands, and oddly short feet. Of the three, the ears are the most powerful pair of limbs, so when doing tasks that require strength, they'll prioritize working with their ears. Lighter Nopon can flap their ears to temporarily levitate themselves, but some of the heavier Nopon can't.

Nopon have an unusually short tail, which is hard to notice unless one looks closely. They'll have hair on top of their heads, but it usually looks like ahoge.

The Nopon have many different colors of fur, some of them have patterns. Generally speaking, male and female Nopon's fur colors are not quite the same. Those with blue, yellow, and orange fur are usually male, and those with red, pink, and purple fur are usually female.