Solar System Disco
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Title |
太陽系デスコ Solar System Disco |
Uploaded on January 20, 2017 4,613,000+ Niconico views |
Singer |
Hatsune Miku |
Producer(s) |
Nayutan Seijin |
Link(s) |
Nicovideo Bilibili |
Solar System Disco (Japanese: 太陽系デスコ; Romaji: Taiyoukei Desuko) is a popular song by Nayutan Seijin. This is the 10th song by the composer.
The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.
あの一等星 のさんざめく光 で
Under the boisterous light of that first magnitude star,
あなたとダンスを踊 ろうか
shall we dance a dance together?
In tune with the heartbeat of our solar system,
let's sparkle with tangled steps,
ランバダ ルンバ ふたり 宇宙 でランデブーな
Lambda, rumba—A delusion of the two of us rendezvousing in space
is what I'm afflicted by, so night after night I cannot sleep.
No matter what first magnitude star merges into a constellation,
あなたに 代 わる 光度 はないわ
the constellations' light would never be enough to replace you.
I found you that day behind the school building
Even by a miracle you still won't depart from there
Even with Pluto typically visible next to it,
sorry, but I'm not interested right now.
The stars are dancing.
My chest is sounding.
When I notice in the distance...
あの一等星 のさんざめく光 で
Under the boisterous light of that first magnitude star
あなたとダンスを踊 ろうか
shall I dance a dance with you?
Invited by the rules of our solar system,
let's sparkle with intersected sensitivity,
オー・オ・オー!星間線 を絆 いで
Oo o oo! I'll join the interstellar line
オー・オ・オー!あなたに届 け
Oo o oo! that is reaching towards you.
オー・オ・オー!宇宙 の果 てから
Oo o oo! From the end of the universe.
オー・オ・オー!あなた 侵光系 !
Oo o oo! Your systematic invasion of light!
The main point of the dance is that stars shine and be our guide.
With inexperienced steps - HA, HA, HA, HA
With a bold stance we'll trace our orbit's circumference
In a solar system disco - HA, HA, HA, HA
Drifting through space, the two of us will some day forget
the very words that I now seek
Even wishing for a supernova in the world after sunset
amazingly I don't care for it now.
No matter what happens
No matter what they become
The stars will rotate invariably -
あの一等星 の届 かぬ光 は
The un-reaching light of that first magnitude star
glitters in the distant beyond.
We're even outside of our own solar system's laws.
「それでもいいさ」手 をのばして!
"Even so, it's okay," Raise your hands!
さあ、幾星霜 と宿 した想 いで
So, with the thoughts entertained for so many months and years
あなたの全 て求 めようか
am I still going to chase your everything?
ねえ、何光年 の広大 な旅路 で
Hey, how many light years will I travel this vast route
searching for true love?
あの一等星 のさんざめく光 で
Under the boisterous light of that first magnitude star
あなたとダンスを踊 ろうか
shall we dance a DANCE together?
ほら水金 だって地火木土天海 も
Look: even Mercury, Venus, and Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune too
ふたりの銀河 で綺羅 めいた、
In our two galaxies they glittered.
オー・オ・オー!星間線 を絆 いで
Oo o oo! I'll join the interstellar line
オー・オ・オー!あなたに届 け
Oo o oo! that is reaching towards you.
オー・オ・オー!宇宙 の果 てから
Oo o oo! From the end of the universe.
オー・オ・オー!あなた 侵光系 !
Oo o oo! Your systematic invasion of light!