Charming Man
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That'll be clear. Once each of you drops out, I expect.
Basics | |
Name | チャーミング・マン Charming Man |
Other Names | Charmingman, " |
Age | 21 |
Eye Color | red |
Hair Color | black |
Moe Points | 翻翘, Big brother, Burakon, Dagger, Bowtie, 身体拆分能力者, 易容术能力者 |
From | Island of Hawaii |
Group Affiliation | Team Jodio |
Related Characters | |
Pets: Wild Cat Size Younger Brother: Mauka Boss: Meryl Mei Qi Allies: Jodio Joestar, Dragona Joestar, Paco Laburantes, Usagi Alohaoe | |
Charming Man (チャーミング·マン) is a character from comics JoJo's Bizarre Adventure created by Hirohiko Araki, and its derived works.
Charming Man gives himself out to be "the Lava Rock's Owner" and tries to retrieve the Lava Rock from Team Jodio at first. Actually, he wants to find his missing brother by using the Lava Rock, so he joins them later.
He was born with skin as rough as coarse sand.
He is listening to Sia, H.E.R. and SZA recently, though he would mix up their names.
For some reason, he hates drug addicts.
He keeps three Stand User cats that called "Wild Cat Size".
Charming Man uses a dagger as his weapon. He can attack the enemy continuously by swinging it around. However, Paco notes that his skills with a dagger are terrible and he can only hurts the enemy by surprise attacks.
- Bigmouth Strikes Again (ビッグマウス・ストライクス・アゲイン)
- Textual Criticism
Its name was derived at the single Bigmouth Strikes Again, which is sung by the British rock band, The Smiths.
The design of this Stand was a bit influenced by the Cubism style.
- Abilities
Bigmouth Strikes Again is an integrated Stand.
It allows Charming Man to disperse his body into sand-like particles and control them. They can combine and change color freely, form a second skin around Charming Man. In this way he can disguise himself as someone else, or one thing as another. He can even disguise himself as a creature vastly different in size from himself and allow himself to be fused to the scenery in the enemy's line of sight at vastly different distances perfectly, even the clouds far in the sky.
The second skin has a certain thickness, so Charming Man can hide the dagger under it. If it is attacked forcefully, it will crumbles away.
Furthermore, it keeps the detached body part in its original function, such as detaching Charming Man's eyeball to scout remotely.
Part 9: The JOJOLands |
查明·曼出生于夏威夷岛,在农场与其弟弟马乌卡一起长大。 某天,查明·曼和马乌卡一起在华拉莱活火山周边进行自行车比赛时,马乌卡突然离奇失踪,查明·曼焦急地寻找弟弟时,惊讶地发现原本根本不可能存在水源的华拉莱山却出现了水流,而马乌卡则在水源附近的熔岩管道内向他呼救,但很快便消失在了管道内。查明·曼找来了警察帮他搜寻弟弟的踪迹,但一无所获,眼见警察正要打道回府,查明·曼恳求警察留下来继续寻找马乌卡,警察则表示华拉莱山根本不存在水源,揭露查明·曼前一天和马乌卡吵架的事迹,认为马乌卡的失踪极有可能就是因为与查明·曼的纠纷,还翻出了查明·曼一年前因在180号公路上弄伤警察而被拘留的前科,查明·曼辩解称那次是自己粗糙的皮肤不小心误伤了警察,最终警察放弃了在华拉莱山搜查,警告查明·曼其为马乌卡失踪的头号嫌疑人后便离开了。 查明·曼坚信弟弟依旧活着,在那之后的很长一段时间里,查明·曼从未停止在华拉莱山寻找马乌卡的踪迹,但一无所获,并且也没再见过当初见到的水流。某日,查明·曼看到岸边露伴在华拉莱山的私人领地附近,往地上撒了一大堆钞票并收集了许多熔岩块,看出熔岩拥有吸引值钱之物的特质后,同时发现熔岩出现的位置正好在其弟弟当初所坠下的熔岩管道之下,于是查明·曼决定调查熔岩,以解开弟弟失踪之谜,并找到弟弟。 之后,查明·曼一直盯梢着露伴在夏威夷岛的别墅,更派出狂野·猫咪·尺寸三只猫闯入别墅监视。后来乔迪奥一行人为了偷钻石也闯入别墅中并最终拿走了钻石和一块熔岩(另一块被乔迪奥打碎),还打败了狂野·猫咪·尺寸。 在乔迪奥等人打算从机场离开夏威夷岛之际,查明·曼伪装成帕克的样子接近落单的乔迪奥,将三只猫的头藏在快餐袋子内威胁乔迪奥,并假装帕克暗示乔迪奥把熔岩归还给他,被乔迪奥拒绝。此时真正的帕克买完快餐后归来,查明·曼见状不再隐藏,卸下伪装并一剑刺伤乔迪奥的喉咙,所幸乔迪奥在帕克的替身能力作用下没有受到致命伤,查明·曼又和帕克搏斗,因帕克的替身能力没能在肉搏中占到便宜,只能用能力暂时遁走。在乔迪奥等人准备到车上迎战熔岩之主时,查明·曼又伪装成一群鸟,假装抓着德拉格纳心心念念的名表飞向他,随后趁机夺走德拉格纳身上的熔岩并一剑刺穿其咽喉,在再度打算遁走时被乔迪奥发动替身能力打伤腿部。乔迪奥等人通过血迹和熔岩吸引值钱之物的特性跟踪查明·曼到岸边,主动吸引他现身攻击,砍伤了帕克的腿部,但也被乔迪奥钳制住,将身上的碎屑溅到乔迪奥的眼中后反制乔迪奥,被乔迪奥用替身能力折断了刀并拉入海水中,查明·曼本想用断刀捅死乔迪奥,但却发现乔迪奥抓住了自己不让自己浮上水面,同时还击沉了一艘橡皮艇并利用橡皮艇里泄露出的氧气在水下呼吸,企图将查明·曼淹死。 在几乎要被淹死之际,帕克突然提出要和查明·曼联手,认为查明·曼比他们还有岸边露伴更了解这块熔岩,更点破其没有杀死自己的三只猫,只是将三颗土豆伪装成了猫头吓唬乔迪奥,因此认为其不算什么坏人。乔迪奥等人收手后,查明·曼将自己的名字和抢夺熔岩的目的告诉众人,与乔迪奥一伙达成了合作。查明·曼与众人一起乘坐飞机回到火奴鲁鲁去见他们的上司梅丽露·梅·奇,在得知乔迪奥等人打算用熔岩块赚钱后,查明·曼表示这么做是没戏的,但要明白这件事,可能只有等到他们分道扬镳为止了。 查明·曼见到了梅丽露后,告知了自己的遭遇和熔岩的特性,表示他们需要到华拉莱火山去寻找到更大块的熔岩,但发掘出熔岩的地块此时是基础设施建设公司 由于误会了乌萨基,并且赞赏乌萨基独立地割开胸口,以替身变作吸管插入肺部来恢复呼吸的壮举,查明表示愿意用行动补偿乌萨基,正式报上了自己的替身名并将右眼分裂进入乌萨基的体内搜寻敌人的替身,虽然成功抓到了敌方替身“袋之律动”,但自己也因接触对手而中了替身能力,视力受损后不慎被对方逃脱。众人又前往医院帮乌萨基做MRI以确认袋之律动的位置,偶然发现一位怀特姓的议员打算签署协议扣押嚎叫者公司的土地,熔岩对此起了反应。 |
Textual Criticism
Charming Man's name was derived at the song This Charming Man, which is sung by the British rock band, The Smiths.
- After he introduces himself to Team Jodio, Paco thinks his name is exceeding strange.
- When Charming Man first appeared in Manga, some readers inferred he was a Rock Human from his abilities and sandy skin. However, subsequent chapters prove that he doesn't have the Rock Human's vulnerability to drowning.
- When he revealed his name in TJL Chapter 12, his first name and last name were coterminous. In TJL Chapter 13, his full name was divided into two parts.
- In TJL Chapter 14, the message on Charming Man's fake driver's license says "Barack Hussein Obama".