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"'''by-product'''' is a [[VOCALOID]] Chinese original song submitted to [[bilibili]] by [[iiiYixuan]] on August 13, 2020 and performed by [[Zhiyu Moke]].
"'''by-product'''" is a [[VOCALOID]] Chinese original song submitted to [[bilibili]] by [[iiiYixuan]] on August 13, 2020 and performed by [[Zhiyu Moke]].
== Song ==
== Song ==
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Let's go.
Let's go.
}}[[Category:Songs by Zhiyu Moke]]
}}[[Category:Chinese music]][[Category:Songs by Zhiyu Moke]]

Latest revision as of 08:57, 25 October 2021

Illustration by Kinew
Uploaded on Aug.13.2020
8486+ bilibili views
Zhiyu Moke
iiiYixuan (music)
Kinew (lyrics, illust)
Canghaisu (video)

"by-product" is a VOCALOID Chinese original song submitted to bilibili by iiiYixuan on August 13, 2020 and performed by Zhiyu Moke.


Wide ModeShow


Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.


手边过期的乳制品酸臭不已 我误食了上一星期食物垃圾
The stench of expired dairy products in my hand is so sour I've been eating food waste for the last week by mistake.
妄想这头脑里全钉上了铁钉 假若能说 不可能胆战心惊
I think this mind is full of nails, and if I could say it, I wouldn't be scared.
朋友瞧不起我呢用那种口气 工作表是痛苦诉说未来无期
My friends despise me with that tone of voice, the worksheet is a painful statement of a future without hope
废纸小刀胶带混和电子噪音 躁动在皮膏之下刺痛着爬行
Scraps of paper, knives, tape, and electronic noise crawl under the skin, stinging and crawling.

处理手法不当 计划时间延长
Mishandling, planning takes longer
左脑疼痛火燎 脚步跌跌撞撞
The left side of my brain is on fire, my feet are stumbling
最漆黑的地方 狭隘毁掉生长
The darkest of places Narrowness destroys growth
时刻庸人自扰 摆脱不了
The moment's a nuisance I can't get rid of


虚构的小人物在大声呼叫 试图扯开它的最后一道屏障
The fictional little man is calling out, trying to rip open its last barrier
有谁在期待着它能一次挣脱 而我控制着癫狂不能够咆哮
Who's expecting it to break free once and for all, while I control my madness from roaring
你拿起的刀检视我的心脏 为我缝上眼眶戴上幸福面罩
The knife you picked up to examine my heart and sew up my eyes and put on the mask of happiness
呐你说你说我是否也被编制 在这优秀的队伍里只需要微笑
Nah you say you say am I compiled too In this fine line just to smile

我的人生不配诠释人类意义 嘿严肃一点虽然是危言耸听
My life is not worthy to interpret the meaning of humanity Hey be serious though it is alarming
似乎大家都替自己感到惋惜 酒精的作用使我更歇斯底里
It seems that everyone feels sorry for themselves The effect of alcohol makes me more hysterical
明明是昏过去的却像没睡醒 如今所有账单我已支付不起
I've passed out but I don't seem to be awake Now I can't afford to pay all the bills
虽然担心表面还是乐观主义 我的内心宣告即将终结悲情
Though worried and optimistic on the surface, my heart proclaims the end of sadness

奇奇怪怪关系 人们守口如瓶
Strange relationships People keep their mouths shut
没有人会同情 不切实际努力
No one will sympathize with unrealistic efforts
天生别扭脾性 加上无用哭泣
A natural disturbed temperament combined with useless crying
强烈应激反应 吓到自己
A strong stress reaction that scares me

就在沉默梦境把未来作付 目光拖进屏幕久久不能移除
In the silent dream world, the future is paid for and the eyes are dragged into the screen for a long time.
屋外敲门的人也知道我正在消失 他未回应我心中的空洞
The person knocking on the door outside knew I was disappearing, and he didn't respond to the emptiness in my heart.
留下来的我们变成了怪物 唯一能做的事什么都抓不住
The only thing we can do is to hold on to nothing.
压抑的快节奏催促人不断前进 却不能记下之前走过的路
The depressingly fast pace pushes us forward, but we can't remember where we've been.

虚构的小人物在大声呼叫 试图扯开它的最后一道屏障
The fictional little man calling out, trying to tear open its last barrier
有谁在期待着它能一次挣脱 而我控制着癫狂不能够咆哮
Who's expecting it to break free once and for all, while I control my madness from roaring
你拿起的刀检视我的心脏 为我缝上眼眶戴上幸福面罩
The knife you picked up to examine my heart To sew up my eyes and put on the mask of happiness
呐你说你说我是否也被编制 在这优秀的队伍里只需要微笑
Nah you say you say whether I'm also compiled in this excellent team just need to smile

还没走到卫生间就吐了一地 我扶着墙边想要劝自己休息
I threw up before I could get to the bathroom I held on to the wall trying to talk myself to rest
删掉电话和坏朋友断绝关系 或许算不上简单得别有用心
Delete the phone and bad friends to cut off relations perhaps not considered simple to have an ulterior motive
下个周一是我最想自杀日期 看一眼新闻深呼吸恢复冷静
The next Monday is the day I want to kill myself the most... glance at the news and take a deep breath to regain my composure.
抱着最糟糕的信念生活下去 度过这混乱又嘈杂无尽夏日
Living with the worst possible beliefs through the chaos and noise of an endless summer

Let's go.