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Name Jules
Joost (Dutch)
Alfons (German)
Júlio (Brazilian Portuguese)
Other Names Jules-de-chez-Smith-en-face
Joost-van-Smith-aan-de-overkant (Dutch)
Jules-from-Smith’s-across-the-street (English)
Alfons van Gegenuber (German)
Eye Color Black
Hair Color Orange
Moe Points
From Belgium
Group Affiliation Moon Module Mecs
Related Characters
Gaston Lagaffe, Bertrand Labévue

Jules, better known by his nickname Jules-de-chez-Smith-en-face, is a character in the Belgian comic series Gaston.


Gaston’s best friend, who works on a company owned by a certain Smith, which is just across the street (hence his name). In Gaston’s band, he plays the drums or the saxophone. Some of the gags revolve around the fact they are right across one another, with Gaston and Jules communicating, even playing games across from one another in their respective office buildings. He would even come to Gaston’s office building to play as well. He, along with Gaston, Bertrand and an unnamed mutual English friend of theirs, form the band Moon Module Mecs. He however hangs more often with Gaston and Bertrand. Jules gets involved in Gaston’s shenanigans by helping him out in them, like smuggling canned goods or can openers during the Tin wars, helping him out during construction at his house or providing a hand on his inventions. Based on strips 527 A/B, he has a similar role as Gaston, classifying mail [1].

He is usually calm and cheerful and is as lazy as Gaston in terms of office work. He may help Gaston but he does have a limit as seen in strip #833 where he beat Gaston up after finding out the bag Gaston invented and was carrying ran all in batteries and only was carrying a soap and toothpaste while he was carrying all the heavy luggage [2].


He has red hair cut in a bowl cut and freckles. He is shorter than Gaston and a bit stout.


  1. Franquin, A. (2019). Gomer Goof. (J. Saincantin, Trans., E. O. Jeffrey, Ed.). Cinebook.
  2. Franquin, A. (2018). La Saga des gaffes. Dupuis.