Zero (Mega Man X)

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Zero (Maverick Hunter X).jpg
Name Zero (ゼロ)
Other Names DWN-∞
Eye Color Green
Red (Black Zero)
Hair Color Blond
Silver (Black Zero)
Moe Points robot
From Abel City
Active in Worldwide
Related Characters
Creator: Dr. Wily
Partners: X, Axl
Enemy: Sigma

Zero is a character from the Mega Man X series created by Capcom, he is also the main character of the Mega Man Zero series.


He was an infinitely powerful robot created by Dr. Wily in the original series a hundred years ago. He was awakened at the same time as X, but forgot his memories and Dr. Wily's instructions (to defeat Mega Man and destroy the world). He became a Maverick Hunter together with X, and has helped X in many occasions.

In the X series

In Sigma's memories, Zero had wiped out the Gamma forces alone after being unsealed. In order to prevent further sacrifices, Sigma, who was still a Maverick Hunter at the time, decided to fight Zero alone. Although at first Sigma had strong combat experience and technology to suppress Zero, as the battle progressed, Zero had the upper hand, in an attempt to swing a decisive slash Zero directly broke Sigma's left arm. But when trying to defeat Sigma completely, Dr. Wily's symbol appeared on the crystal on his forehead, and then while Zero felt the gap of an overwhelming headache, Sigma shattered the crystal on Zero's forehead with one punch, thus stopping Zero's rampage.

After being defeated by Sigma, Zero was reclaimed by the Maverick Hunters and incorporated as one of them. Although his ability was significantly weakened, he still retained the level of Special A class.

Mega Man X

Sigma was infected with an unknown virus when he defeated Zero, and became a Maverick soon after, and gathered some of the Reploids who were formerly Maverick Hunters to start a ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯ around the world.

X was seriously wounded and captured by Vile on his way to defeat the Mavericks, but Zero appeared and rescued X by destroying the arm of Vile's Ride Armor. (Zero will give his hand parts to X if he hasn't obtained them by the end of the battle.) After a vicious battle X finally defeats Sigma.

Mega Man X2

Months after Sigma was eliminated, X has continued to be active by taking on missions focused on removing the remnants of Sigma's Mavericks. Now, X set out to destroy the factory where the Mavericks were made. After this, a group of Mavericks who called themselves X-Hunters sent a message, claiming that they have Zero's parts, and that X had to defeat them to get them back. Then X defeated the X-Hunters, retrieved Zero's body, and discovered the enemy's base in the depths of the X-Hunters' Castle, and found that Sigma was behind all of it again, and finally Sigma was defeated by X again. (In the end, if you can get all of Zero's parts, The X-Hunters will create a fake Zero to fight with X, but the battle will be interrupted by the real Zero. If the full body of Zero is not obtained, the real Zero will fight against X)