Help:Inserting music

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This page, "Help:Inserting music", is a Moegirlpedia help document
  • It is meant to introduce the operating method of some specific functions in Moegirlpedia;
  • This article is merely a statement, not a Moegirlpedia policy or guideline. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between this help document and the relevant policies and guidelines, then the policies and guidelines shall prevail.

Inserting audio into Moegirlpedia is easy.

If you think there is a problem with these plug-ins, please report it in the discussion board.

Apple Music

AppleMusic audio template

Insert syntax


Parameter explanation

Required parameters
id: album number (required)
  • The pure number can be obtained through the last number /******* (pure number, if there is a question mark, it is before the question mark, otherwise it is at the end) in the address bar of the Apple Music album page.
Optional parameters
song: song number
  • The pure number can be obtained through the last ?i=******* (pure number, located ?i=after) in the address bar of the Apple Music song page.
If song specifies a pure number, it will try to embed only a single track in the album specified by id.
area: area code
  • Pure letters can be obtained through the first directory level after the domain name in the address bar of the Apple Music song page /**/ (pure letters, located The default is cn.
title: title
  • The title can be filled with any content. It is recommended to fill in the album name, etc., which will be displayed when the mouse hovers the external link.
float: floating type
  • It can be specified. If it is left, it will float to the left. If it is right, it will float to the right. If it is other values ​​or it is empty, it will not float.


Spotify audio template

Insert syntax


Parameter explanation

Required parameters
id [required]
width: player width
  • Specifies the width, ranging from 250~640px.
  • Only large or compact can be entered. When set to large, the height is width + 80px. When set to compact, the height is fixed to 80px. The default is large.
title: title
  • You can fill in any content. It is recommended to fill in the album name, etc., which will be displayed when the mouse is hovering over the Spotify icon.
float: float style
  • Specifies the floating style. If it is left, it will float to the left. If it is right, it will float to the right. If it is other values or it is empty, it will not float.