sister's noise

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sister's noise
Sister's noise.jpg
Cover of the album
Sung by fripSide
Lyrics by Satoshi Yaginuma
Composed by Satoshi Yaginuma
Arranged by Satoshi Yaginuma

sister's noise

sister's noise is the 1st opening theme of the second season of the anime A Certain Scientific Railgun, it is sung by fripSide.


Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

だれよりもちかくにいた そのこえこえなくて (sister's noise… I find it out…)
You were closer to me than anyone else, but that voice cannot be heard (I'll find out about...the sister's noise)[1]
きざつづけていたときなかで やっときみえたから
Yet at long last I was able to meet you within the continued ticking of time
sister's noise さがつづける 彷徨さまよこころ場所ばしょ(sorrow of your heart… I shoot it down…)
I continue to search for the sister's noise, because these feelings that have accumlated
かさった このおもいはだれにもこわせないから…!
to where my heart wanders cannot be destroyed by anyone...! (I'll shoot down... the sorrow of your heart...)

まちひそやかに きみかくしてた
The town surreptitiously hid you;
辿たどいた場所ばしょ よみがえるあの記憶きおく
The place that you struggled to arrive; those memories that you recalled

かえされてた 真実しんじつとお
The reality that was repeated was distant;
きみのそのいたみ づけないまま
That pain of yours stays unnoticed

あのたくした そのゆめが わたしいても
Even if those dreams that I believed in that day tear me apart
なによりも大切たいせつな 希望きぼうだけ しんつらぬいて
I shall still believe in just my most precious hope

自分じぶんらしくきること なによりもつたえたくて (sister's noise… I find it out…)
Living seemingly for myself, I want to convey this more than anything else (I'll find out about... the sister's noise...)
まれつづけるかなしみのいたみ その意味いみきざむなら
The pain of sorrow that continues to be born: If I etch in that meaning,
sister's voice いまとどけるよ なみださえ能力チカラにして (sorrow of your heart… I shoot it down…)
The sister's voice will now be delivered. I'll turn even tears into power and (I'll shoot down... the sorrow of your heart...)
つながりう つよさだけがすべてをいていく
only our connected strength will pierce everything

夕暮ゆうぐれの放課後ほうかご いつものまち
The end of twilight, the usual townscape,
ふとげたそら おもす やさしさを
and the skies that you'd casually looked up at: I remember their gentleness

きみ眼差まなざしが づかせてくれた
Your gaze made me notice
the strength of courage to recognize weakness

あたたかなきみのそのが わたしみちびいてく
Those warm hands of yours guides me
なによりもまもりたい 希望きぼやみつらぬくから
I want to protect you more than anything, because hope pierces through darkness

きしめたあつおもい この世界せかいらすから(sister's noise… I find it out…)
Because the hot feelings that I've embraced closely illuminate this world (I'll find out about...the sister's noise)
はしつづさがつづけていた きみゆめうご
Your dreams that I continue to run and search for start to move
sister's noise ひびきはじめる たからかな生命いのち意味いみ (sorrow of your heart… I shoot it down…)
The sister's noise begins to echo the meaning of a loud life: (I'll shoot down... the sorrow of your heart...)
理解わかってるよ かけがえないきずなこわれないこと

自分じぶんらしくきること なによりもつたえたくて (sister's noise… I find it out…)
Living seemingly for myself, I want to convey this more than anything else (I'll find out about... the sister's noise...)
まれつづける かなしみのいたみ その意味いみきざむなら
The pain of sorrow that continues to be born: If I etch in that meaning...

I understand it. Irreplaceable bonds do not break.
だれよりも ちかくにいた そのこえこえなくて (sister's noise… I find it out…)
You were closer to me than anyone else, but that voice cannot be heard (I'll find out about...the sister's noise)
きざつづけていたときなかで やっときみえたから
Yet at long last I was able to meet you within the continued ticking of time
sister's noise さがつづける 彷徨さまよこころ場所ばしょ(sorrow of your heart… I shoot it down…)
I continue to search for the sister's noise, as I will surely protect the same smile that we both experienced
かんった おな笑顔えがお かならまもってみせる
where our hearts wander to (I'll shoot down... the sorrow of your heart...)
もう だれにも こわせないから…!
Because they can no longer be destroyed by anyone...!


  1. translation from [1], translated by Lolaska.
