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Nintendo Office.jpg
The Nintendo headquarters in Kyoto
Company name Nintendo Co., Ltd. (株式会社ニンテンドー)
Type Video game software and hardware company
Founded September 23, 1889
Headquarters Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Main works Mario series
Pokémon series
The Legend of Zelda series
Fire Emblem series
Kirby series etc.
Founder Fusajiro Yamauchi
Key people Shuntaro Furukawa (CEO)
Shigeru Miyamoto (Creative Director)

Nintendo (任天堂, ニンテンドー) is a game company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, which established multiple subsidiaries overseas. When it was founded, it originally manufactured hanafuda (which it still produces now), and its current main business is the development of video game hardware and software.


Yamauchi era

Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889. In 1902, Nintendo produced Japan's first playing cards.

Hiroshi Yamauchi era

In 1949, Hiroshi Yamauchi became the third president of the company. In 1959, the company was authorized by disney to produce playing card sets featuring Disney images. In 1963, it changed its name to "Nintendo Co., Ltd." and began to get involved in other fields.

In 1968, Nintendo established its games division. Gunpei Yokoi designed toys such as the ray gun and the Super Monster Hand, which arounsed good response in Japan.

In 1977, Nintendo cooperated with Mitsubishi Electric to release the home game consoles Color TV-Game 6 and Color TV-Game 15, and began to enter the electronic game industry.

In 1978, Nintendo began developing and selling arcade machines.

In 1980, the handheld console Game & Watch was released. In the same year, Ninteodo of America was established in New York, USA.

In 1981, the arcade game Donkey Kong was released, which was also the first appearance of Mario.

In 1983, the home console Family Computer was released. This model was Nintendo's first attempt at a cartridge-based home console, and the company began to seek third-party cooperation. Nintendo had adopted a royalty system to ensure game quality, but it also placed a burden on manufacturers.

In 1985, the FC game Super Mario Bros. was released, and the game achieved great success. In the same year, the Family Computer was released in North America. In order to avoid being affected by the Video Game Crash of 1983, it was relaunched as the "Nintendo Entertainment System".

In 1989, the handheld console Game Boy was released. In oeder to reduse costs and increase battery life, the Game Boy used a monochromatic LCD screen. Its bundled game, Tetris, also achieved good sales.

In 1990, the home console Super Famicom, also known as "Super Nintendo, was released. Nintendo tried to cooperate with Sony to add an optical drive to the SNES, but the deal was eventually cancelled and sony turned to developing the upcoming PlayStation.

Satoru Iwata era

On May 24, 2002, Hiroshi Yamauchi retired and Satoru Iwata took his place as president.

In the same year, iQue was established, being responsible for the introduction and distribution of Nintendo-related products in mainland China.

On Nocember 21, 2004, the Nintendo DS was released. The console did not follow the "Game Boy" brand, and adopted a dual-screen design.

On March 17, 2015, Nintendo announced that it would collaborate with DeNA, and the two companies would become partners through equity exchange.

Tatsuki Kimijima era

On September 14, 2015, Tatsuki Kimishima became the new president. Shigeru Miyamoto was named "Creative Fellow",

On November 30, 2016, Nintendo announced that it would collaborate with Universal Studios to build a Nintendo-themed amusement park titled Super Nintendo World, which was first built in Osaka, and subsequently in Los Angeles and Florida.

On March 3, 2017, the Nintendo Switch was released.

Shuntaro Furukawa era

On June 28, 2018, Shuntaro Furukawa beacme the sixth president.

On July 10 of the same year, the Nintendo Switch Lite was released, which was a portable version of the Nintendo Switch.

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