We Have Wushu and Kungfu

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We Have Wushu and Kungfu
MV screenshot
Sung by Eddy Ou (Mandarin)
Sam Lai (Cantonese)
Lyrics by Lo Wing Keung
Composed by Tomy Wai

"We Have Wushu and Kungfu" (Chinese: 我们有武功) is the ending song for Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail .


Mandarin version

Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

草原上 我们只是一群羊
We are just a flock of sheep on the grassland
狼来了 小羊一定勇敢的抵抗
The wolf is coming, the lamb must bravely resist
喜羊羊 不管对手有多强
Pleasant Goat, no matter how strong the opponent is
小铃铛 排除万难闯险关
Little bell, overcome all difficulties

山摇地动 自信更从容
The mountain shakes, the confidence is more calm
考验如暴风 更决心追梦
Tests like a storm, more determined to pursue dreams
相信成功 掌握在手中
Believe that success is in your hands
让热血汹涌 勇闯高峰
Let the blood surging and brave the peak

手牵着你手 纵然困难再大也不怕最后天塌下
Holding your hand by hand, no matter how difficult it is, I'm not afraid that the sky will fall in the end
你心照我心 天空 自然自然有彩虹
Your heart is in my heart, the sky is naturally a rainbow

一群羊 团结就像一条龙
A flock of sheep united like a dragon
吃了苦 依然努力打出真武功
After suffering, I still work hard to achieve true martial arts
一群羊 勇敢更胜一条龙
A flock of sheep is more brave than a dragon
乘着风 一关一关冲冲冲
Riding the wind, one pass, one pass, rush, rush

山摇地动 自信更从容
The mountain shakes, the confidence is more calm
考验如暴风 更决心追梦
Tests like a storm, more determined to chase dreams
相信成功 掌握在手中
Believe that success is in your hands
让热血汹涌 勇闯高峰
Let the blood surging and brave the peak

手牵着你手 纵然困难再大也不怕最后天塌下
Hold your hand, no matter how difficult the situation is
你心照我心 天空 自然自然有彩虹
Your heart is in my heart, the sky naturally has a rainbow

一群羊 团结就像一条龙
A flock of sheep united like a dragon
吃了苦 依然努力打出真武功
After suffering, I still work hard to achieve true martial arts
一群羊 勇敢更胜一条龙
A flock of sheep is more brave than a dragon
乘着风 一关一关冲冲冲
Riding the wind, one pass, one pass, rush, rush

一群羊 团结就像一条龙
A flock of sheep united like a dragon
吃了苦 依然努力打出真武功
After suffering, I still work hard to achieve true martial arts
一群羊 勇敢更胜一条龙
A flock of sheep is more brave than a dragon
乘着风 一关一关冲冲冲
Riding the wind, one pass, one pass, rush, rush
We all have martial arts

Cantonese version

Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

凭心中 梦想闪闪的照亮
In my heart, dreams are shining brightly
前路往 面对险关都会有力量
There will be strength in the face of danger
凭手中 历久不息的气量
With the long-lasting breath in the hand
无害怕 就算漆黑风雨狂
No fear, even if it's dark and stormy

龙年前望 善恶的较量
Long years ago, the contest between good and evil
论生死一仗 更不可退让
On the battle of life and death, more irresistible
狼随羊后 在暗选对象
The wolf follows the sheep
为饱餐一次 更加凶悍
For a full meal, more fierce

羊羊不会慌 一样继续神勇大无畏天天的向上
Sheep won’t panic, and continue to move upwards day after day with bravery and fearlessness
羊羊不怕闯 目标自然自然就靠岸
Sheep and sheep are not afraid of breaking their goals, they will naturally come to shore

谁可挡 大家手牵手那样
Who can stop everyone holding hands like that
同互勉 受过苦楚经过那跌荡
Encourage each other, have suffered through the turmoil
无可挡 用我心中的太阳
Unstoppable use the sun in my heart
燃亮那 没有终点的战场
Light up the endless battlefield

龙年前望 善恶的较量
Long years ago, the contest between good and evil
论生死一仗 更不可退让
On the battle of life and death, even more irresistible
狼随羊后 在暗选对象
The wolf follows the sheep
为饱餐一次 更加凶悍
For a full meal, more fierce

羊羊不会慌 一样继续神勇大无畏天天的向上
Sheep won’t panic, and continue to move upwards day after day with bravery and fearlessness
羊羊不怕闯 目标自然自然就靠岸
Sheep and sheep are not afraid of breaking their goals, they will naturally come to shore

谁可挡 大家手牵手那样
Who can stop everyone holding hands like that
同互勉 受过苦楚经过那跌荡
Encourage each other, have suffered through the ups and downs
无可挡 用我心中的太阳
Unstoppable use the sun in my heart
燃亮那 没有终点的战场
Light up the endless battlefield

谁可挡 大家手牵手那样
Who can stop everyone holding hands like that
同互勉 受过苦楚经过那跌荡
Encourage each other, have suffered through the turmoil
无可挡 用我心中的太阳
Unstoppable use the sun in my heart
燃亮那 没有终点的战场
Light up the endless battlefield
打走我手下 败将
Knocked out my subordinates, defeated