Let's Be Happy Together

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Let's Be Happy Together
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf The Tiger Prowess OST cover.jpg
Sung by Bibi Chou
Lyrics by Lo Wing Keung
Composed by Noki

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf The Tiger Prowess OST

Let's Be Happy Together is the OP of the animated movie Desert Trek: The Adventure of the Lost Totem and the ED of the TV cartoon Joys of Seasons.


Mandarin version

Commons-emblem-success.svgThe lyrics are the offical lyrics from BK

Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

大白菜 鸡毛菜 通心菜 油麦菜
Chinese cabbage, brassica chinensis, macaroni, lettuce
绿的菜 白的菜
Green dishes white dishes
What kind of dish to fry what kind of dish

喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊
Weslie, Tibbie, Paddi, Sparky
What kind of goats
All kind of goats are beaming

We are a group of little sheep
Little sheep are very kind
So kind that only on the grassland
懒懒的 美美的 晒太阳
Lazily beautifully sunbathing

Although the neighbor lives with Wolffy
Although sometimes there is no sun
Only in Goat Village there is music
唱唱的 跳跳的 都疯狂
Singing and dancing are crazy

大白菜 鸡毛菜 通心菜 油麦菜
Chinese cabbage, brassica chinensis, macaroni, lettuce
绿的菜 白的菜
Green dishes white dishes
What kind of dish to fry what kind of dish

喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊
Weslie, Tibbie, Paddi, Sparky
What kind of goats
All kind of goats are beaming

The days when the wolves come are normal
The howling of a wolf sounds like panic
Little lamb loves to eat grass
Don’t be afraid to fight wolves when necessary

Although we are a group of little sheep
Sing together every festival
Sunny air green grass and flowers
挤挤的 满满的 在草原上
Crowded full on the prairie

大白菜 鸡毛菜 通心菜 油麦菜
Chinese cabbage, brassica chinensis, macaroni, lettuce
绿的菜 白的菜
Green dishes white dishes
What kind of dish to fry what kind of dish

喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊
Weslie, Tibbie, Paddi, Sparky
What kind of goats
All kind of goats are beaming

Let's Be Happy Together

Cantonese version

Commons-emblem-success.svgThe lyrics are the offical lyrics from BK

Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

(Mandarin, spoken)
大白菜 鸡毛菜 通心菜 油麦菜
Chinese cabbage, brassica chinensis, macaroni, lettuce
绿的菜 白的菜
Green dishes white dishes
What kind of dish to fry what kind of dish

喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊
Weslie, Tibbie, Paddi, Sparky
What kind of goats
All kind of goats are beaming

(Cantonese singing)
Sheep on the grassland
Sheep and sheep are called sheep and sheep song can be sung
Life is dandan but kind
偷偷懒 睇睇天 心开朗
I'm lazy and look at the sky and have a cheerful heart

There are wolves around day and night
I can see it and I can't catch it.
Sing calmly and happily
扭扭下 拧拧下 肥又壮
Twist, twist, unscrewed, fat and strong

(Mandarin, spoken)
大白菜 鸡毛菜 通心菜 油麦菜
Chinese cabbage, brassica chinensis, macaroni, lettuce
绿的菜 白的菜
Green dishes white dishes
What kind of dish to fry what kind of dish

喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊
Weslie, Tibbie, Paddi, Sparky
What kind of goats
All kind of goats are beaming

Let's Be Happy Together

Unofficial English Version

Sunny day, Rainy day, we wanna go to play!
Sunny day, rainy day,
Happy happy every day!
happy lamb, pretty lamb, lazy lamb, power lamb
We are different, we love home
We are happy in the sun!
Although we are a crowd of little lamb
We are so kind, we are so glad to say
help each other, we are super kids
We play and have fun in the sun!
Though our neighbor is the big big wolf
and the sun sometimes goes to hide
Music is heard in our home
we sing, we dance, day and night, all around
Sunny day, Rainy day, we wanna go to play!
Sunny day, rainy day,
Happy happy every day!
happy lamb, pretty lamb, lazy lamb, power lamb
We are different, we love home
We are happy in the sun!
Don’t be afraid of the big big wolf
He is howling, like he's starving to death
We love the grass, we are so strong
If the wolf is coming, we will fight
Although we are a crowd of little lamb
We sing the merry songs in the sun
Sunshine, air, grass and flowers around
Big prairie, our land, we love to stay!
Sunny day, Rainy day, we wanna go to play!
Sunny day, rainy day,
Happy happy every day!
happy lamb, pretty lamb, lazy lamb, power lamb
We are different, we love home
We are happy in the sun!
We are happy in the sun!
Happy, happy, every day!